Friday, September 3, 2010

Best Ways To Buy Cheap College Textbooks

Finding College Books For Cheap price when you are headed for college can be a daunting task. If you are receiving financial aide for your education it will of course be quite simple to afford your Collage Textbooks. For those that receive little or no financial aide for educational purposes you will want to check out the possibilities of buying your Cheap Textbooks online.
1. Another Student
To secure the best price for a book, buy one from a student who has already taken the class. Usually when buying a Collage Text Book from a former student, you will be able to give him more than the bookstore will, which will make your seller happy. And what you pay a student for the used book will most likely be far less than the bookstore would sell it for, so you'll save money. If you're really lucky, you may be friends with the person selling the book, and she may let you borrow it for free.
2. Online
If you have already taken a look at the bookstore and the prices seem way too high, they probably are. Bookstores make a fortune from Cheap Used Collage Books and will generally sell these books for more than the bookstore bought the books for. Looking online may prove to be useful in hunting down cheaper books. is a fantastic site for Cheap Used College Textbooks. The site may have a listing for your book at a far lower price than what is offered at the store. However, before you purchase the book, make sure it is the correct edition. Most textbooks generally have multiple editions, and buying the wrong one can hinder your ability to follow your professor's lectures.
3. Bookstore
If you can't find the book online and none of your friends have taken the class yet, you may have buy it from your college's store. If this is the case, try your best to purchase the used version. The used version, although slightly more beat up, may cost anywhere from one-third to one-half of what the actual new book costs. If the used book version is unavailable at one store, try another. It can save you a great deal of money over the course of the semester, and even if you have to purchase the new book, you could receive some money back when it's time to sell your books.

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